This artists name is Susanna Shap and she creates contemporary modern paintings. She says that contemporary modern art can come in different styles and that the focus is either on color or design. She focuses first on the composition, the heavy texture. The color is the second thing she adds. She enjoys modern and abstract art mostly for the freeing nature of the art and not having to worry about whether anyone else likes it. She creates her textured abstract paintings with a palette knife using oils, acrylics, and anything else the paintings might need. In response to textured art being just “globs of paint”, she says that she “feels there can never bee too much texture, even if in globs…so long as it is done right and does no come out looking amateur and sloppy. She explains that there is a lot of control that goes into her pieces that has come with time, experience, and experimentation. Since, each painting is one of a kind original and each palette knife stroke is done by hand, no piece is ever exactly the same. This just goes to show that her creative process is fluid even though it can look very repetitive. I think her paintings are very “wall worthy” for the house I don’t have yet. They all look “good”, the repetitive flow of texture and vibrant colors, even the sameness in tone of each single painting works to the advantage of each piece. Do you like them?

i like it too, especially the composition